Vol.129_Yabiku Henrique Yudi

Interviewed by Kim Kieun

from Tokyo, Japan


What type of artist are you?

I’m a collage artist based in Tokyo. How did you start your work as an artist? I started doing collage art a year and half ago. In the beginning, I was posting my works on Instagram as a hobby. Then, the fashion brand TTTMSW(@TTT_ MSW) sent me a message asking me to hang out with him. After a few weeks, he invited me to participate in a group exhibition called “YAGI”, which completely changed my life. Through this exhibition, I could launch my career as a professional artist – making collage works for magazines, collaborating with other brands and artists.

What kind of messages do you present through your work?

I perceive collage art works as a combination of many artistic styles. I don’t have an established concept about what I do yet. I try not to think too much and just mix some paints and arrange the pictures in the way I like. I usually describe my creations in as few words as possible, because I enjoy when people view them and create their personal stories about the works.

How do you justify “Art”?

For me, Art is an expression of feelings, emotions, and thoughts, all arranged in a beautiful way.

What are you crazy about recently?

Recently, I’m obsessed with photography. I plan to print them and then use them for my works.

What do you feel and experience in the city where you live?

I think that Tokyo is a unique city where one is able to see all styles of fashion and art. Just walking on the streets of Tokyo always inspires me.

How do you feel and experience the cities where you’ve been?

Whenever I travel, I always try to focus on the street art from the city where I stay. A lot of the objects that I can use for my works, such as cigarette boxes, newspapers, advertisement flyers etc., I have actually picked up on the street. I also try to focus on the colors and textures of the walls, which are reflected in a big part of my collages.

How important is the Internet in your creative life?

I think the Internet helps many artists to find more ideas and inspiration for their works, while giving us lots of job opportunities. But I also try to not just appreciate art through a screen, but also visit art galleries. Instagram has completely dynamized my life, and I want to continue to make the best use of it.

Does memory affect the creation of works?

I try to write my feelings down whenever I am happy or sad. Also, I constantly take pictures of what I see and admire(i.e. walls, graphics). Sometimes it helps me to get inspired, therefore I think memory has been affecting my creation in certain ways.

Tell us briefly about your plan for 2019.

My biggest plans for 2019 are holding my first solo exhibition in Tokyo and traveling to as many cities abroad as possible. I also want to approach different media such as painting and photography.

Maps Magazine