Vol.138_Don Aretino

Don Aretino

From Berlin, Germany

Interviewed by Cinjay Lee


This autumn has been very brutal weather in Berlin. Do

you go to your studio every day? How’s your normal daily


Yes, the Berlin weather is quite radical. I feel like it just

skipped autumn altogether and directly got into cold winter.

Fortunately, I have my studio inside my apartment, so I don’t

have to go far to start working. It’s quite practical. Especially

because of my working hours that could go quite late, often

into the early morning. I don’t have a normal daily routine. It

changes every day, depending on what project I’m on, at those

particular moments. I like it that way, otherwise, I’ll get bored.

What was the biggest motivation for you to choose a fashion

as the main media?

I moved to Germany at the age of 17, my initial goal was to

study fine arts. But since I kept getting rejected by most fine

arts universities here in Germany, I needed a plan B in order

to extend my visa. So as a last try, I reworked on my portfolio

and applied for fashion school instead and I got in the first try.

So I guess in a way fashion chose me. Haha. For me, fashion is

an art form. I used fashion as a media to get my point of view

across. I like to create a conversation and discussion with my

works, which focuses on sarcastic intake on society. I discuss

freedom of sexuality, religion and social studies.




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