Vol.138_Audrey Mika

Audrey Mika

From Los Angeles, United States

Interviewed by Ryu Doyeon

Produced by Sasha Kong


Audrey Mika, I feel very close to you. What do you think is the reason?

I’m just my most authentic self, and I’m not scared of what people think and I’m comfortable in my own skin and I hope that inspires people to relate and do the same.

I’m very curious about your microphone. I would love it if you could comment anything about that.
The microphone was just something I didn’t really think about and it was just something that people really latched onto maybe because it reminded them of their childhood, or just the playfulness of it in general.

It seems like your feelings are exposed on the screen and in your songs. Do you have your own fantasy about yourself?
My songs portray a lot about my life, and I’m not afraid to share that with the world because I know that someone is dealing with the same situation and they just want to be able to relate to someone and not feel alone.



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