Vol.155_Assembled Half

Assembled Half

From Berlin, Germany

Interviewed by Cinjay Lee


How did you start Assembledhalf? And why ‘Assembled’, ‘Half’?

 It began naturally after I graduated fashion school. Working for someone wasn’t really my option in the first place, so I started making my own stuff. The beginning was very casual, I couldn’t afford to set everything up, just started by making one piece and another. The logo of A/H is a Venn diagram as you see, I wanted to address the novelty of moments when things happen to meet from different elements. The intersection.

And do you remember the very first item that you sold?

 A friend of mine was running a pop-up store during the Berlin art week, and my graduation pieces and drawings were displayed there. That friend asked me if I’m willing to sell those, and I got some contacts and could really sell them at the end. The first sold one was a black dress.

 What is the plan or new project in 2021?

 I had an exhibition at Studio183 in Bikini Berlin, and a few days after the opening show, the hard lockdown started here, so the whole building and my works are locked up there. Hopefully they can keep the exhibition when the regulation is lifted. There will be a collaboration project with a press machine company Stahls. Five items will be out in the middle of this year. And my new collection is supposed to be out in April, but also got delayed due to the restriction, I hope to let it out by this summer.




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